Ankarrah News

Ankarrah News

What's New In the World of Ankarrah

Introducing Ankarrah at Elevate Burbank's Multicultural Arts Festival

August 20, 2022

This Saturday, stop by Burbank High School Field to experience live performances of dance, music, singing, comedy, poetry, artwork and more.

Sample a variety of culinary delights with the many food trucks offering tasty treats all day long. Local artisan and craft vendors will also have booths displaying their wares and services. Come visit Ankarrah Founder Scott Schwartz-Owen and receive a relaxing 10 minutes of healing Ankarrah energy to rest, rejuvenate, and heal.

To learn more about this exciting day out celebrating the community and cultural diversity of Burbank visit: Elevate Burbank

Ankarrah was presented in Los Angeles at a local Metaphysical & Artisan Fair!

June 25, 2022

Dozens of people experienced receiving an Ankarrah treatment for their first time at the Healing Arts San Fernando Valley “A Day Of Healing” festival. 

Practitioner Instructor Gail Becker, and Ankarrah Founder Scott Schwartz-Owen offered free Ankarrah to festival attendees. 

With many holistic, metaphysical, spiritual, and artistic products & services to sample, this was the perfect venue to introduce the benefits of Ankarrah to the local community of Tarzana. To learn more about Healing Arts SFV visit: Healings Arts SFV.

Official launch of the online ANKARRAH First Series practitioner course!

April 1, 2022

In collaboration with SamCart online course hosting, becoming an Ankarrah practitioner has never been easier!

Practitioners can now study the Ankarrah system in their own time, as this course once purchased never expires. SamCart is easy to navigate around. You simply log into your course from the SamCart dashboard, and away you go.

With 8 units and over 70 lessons, this course is ideal for those who want to learn an comprehensive energy healing  presented as written lessons, photos, and videos. To learn more visit: Ankarrah First Series Practitioner course.

Very first in-person comprehensive weekend of the ANKARRAH First Series course.

December 4-5, 2021

The very first in-person comprehensive weekend of the Ankarrah First Series course was presented over 2 days in Los Angeles. It was taught by Ankarrah founder Scott Schwartz-Owen and Ankarrah Practitioner Instructor Gail Becker! 

Cassie & Eric Walz, both Doctors of Physical Therapy at Walz Wellness in California learned the foundations of this energy healing system, including the first 30 symbols and practiced methods of how to apply different symbol combinations for self-healing and healing others with Ankarrah.

Congratulations to both on becoming the first Ankarrah First Series Practitioners to complete the in-person training! Dr. Cassie Walz, DPT and Dr. Eric Walz PT, DPT can be contacted at: Walz Wellness.

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image of the Ankarrah logo as a medallion