Ankarrah Remote
Healing Sessions
with Scott Schwartz-Owen
Ankarrah healing sessions reconfigure your energy field and centers through the meridians of the body to attend to a variety of ailments. As a modality, it is not limited to physical proximity as it is both a somatic and an energetic action.

Remote Ankarrah Sessions
with Scott Schwartz-Owen
Benefits of Ankarrah Sessions
- Encourages relief from overthinking and stress. Calming and soothing.
- Incorporates link of consciousness to regulate the brain and neurological system, calibrating more of a constant and natural emotional state.
- Harmonizes body, mind, and being to break up and then release held energy.
- Facilitates aligning energy centers (chakras) to their optimal position and spin.
- Promotes relaxation and reduces anxiety.
- Regulates and stabilizes energy levels at a more natural constant.
- Moves energy within the body consciousness to achieve balance, centeredness, and grounding.
- Charges each energy center to strengthen intuition, inner senses, and awareness of self as essence.
How It Works
Each remote sessions lasts 10 to 15 minutes during which Scotty connects to the energy of the individual who requested the healing and then draws (onto the ground), activating and sending the energy of the selected Ankarrah symbols.
Prior to a session, a map of the symbols used and their sequence is intuitively established by Scotty in relation to your description of your ailment.
This healing is affecting of your energy field and energy centers as well as the cells affected in whichever area of your body you are holding unexpressed energy.
During the session, you are participating by laying down (on the floor in your home or outside on the ground), head pointing due north and your feet pointing due south. Afterwards, you will receive a photo of the selected symbols as a visual reference that you may further focus on and visualize. Learn more about your participation: Details and instructions.
Why Draw Symbols on the Earth?
Our bodies are more in harmony with and influenced by the Earth’s energy than most people are aware of. The Earth and your own energy signature optimally fit together and harmonize when healthy.
Remote Ankarrah is an energetic healing action passing through the focal point of the symbols into the ground and then transmitted via the earth’s electromagnetic field to the recipient.
Ankarrah symbols, as they are drawn on the ground, orient themselves to the cardinal directions of our planet Earth: North, South, East, and West—replicating the human energetic body and meridians. Chalk works well to facilitate drawing Ankarrah symbols onto the ground because it is a natural compound that contains aspects of clay and quartz derived from the earth.
Scotty has worked with hundreds of people providing Ankarrah healings remotely.
3 Sessions Protocol
A single Ankarrah session can be a deeply healing experience. But a series of 3 progressive healings is more effective when sent over the span of one week, with at least a day or two in between.
When you receive a remote ANKARRAH healing and map composed for your held energy, the Ankarrah process aids in loosening or breaking up that stuck energy, which then becomes easier for you to release.
Experiencing some type of physical or emotional response is an indicator that your held energy is being broken up and beginning to be released by you.
As in every healing process, our bodies require time to adjust their energetic pathways, and this usually happens in increments, not all at once. As your energy adjusts, you will receive an adjusted combination of Ankarrah symbols to accommodate your energy shift. Hence, why you receive 3 progressive sessions at intervals included in your booking for the single price of $79.
Series of 3 Healings - $79 USD
3 Ankarrah Combinations
Sent separately as 3 different and progressive healing actions at intervals of 2 or 3 days
Photo of Each Combination
With simple instructions to enhance your healing process through visualization
Uniquely Coded to Your Energy
Each Ankarrah combination is designed for you and as you change after each session
Ankarrah Session Booking Form
How to proceed: Select your first appointment date and time in the calendar below. After your first session, then please schedule your remaining 2nd and 3rd appointments via email.
** Available times are displayed in your local time zone.